If a picture is worth a thousand words, then a video is worth something like a million.

So if you want to take your engagement with your audience to the next level, then I suggest occasionally including a brief video along with your weekly update. It doesn’t have to be complicated (in fact, it shouldn’t be) and the only criteria is that it’s authentic.

Why video is useful

The more dynamic nature of video format provides an opportunity for a deeper connection with your gospel partners and can have a big impact on how engaged your supporters are. Let’s have a quick look at some of the benefits of occasionally including video in your regular updates.

Some video guidelines and tips

If you’re ready to take this next step into building a deeper connection with your gospel partners, let me help you get started by setting some reasonable expectations and sharing some tips to make starting easier.

  1. Your videos don’t need to be polished. This is a common place for people to get hung up. This can literally be a selfie-video from your phone and should not be over-produced. There are a couple of things to keep in mind, but beyond these don’t stress!
    • Make sure you’re in a quiet enough environment that you’ll be heard.
    • Make sure your lighting is bright enough that you’ll be seen.
  2. What you’re aiming for is genuine and authentic, not perfection. If you stumble over a word or two, no big deal! You’re human, and imperfection reminds your audience that it’s real life.
  3. Plan what you’re going to say first. Yes, I know. I said to make it authentic above. But authentic doesn’t mean “sloppy”. You should definitely spend a minute or two planning what you’re going to say and how you’re going to say it. Which leads to our next point.
  4. Repeat everything you’ve written for your email. Since you’re already outlining your updates before you write them, you can use the exact same outline for your talking points.
  5. Keep videos in the 1-2 minute range. All we’re trying to do here is offer an alternative way to engage with the same information you’re communicating with your email. If people see a 10 minute video load up, they’re much more likely to decide to “watch it later” when they “have more time”; it’s likely they won’t get around to it.
  6. Don’t forget the call to action! Repetition is critical with the call to action, so always make sure you include it in your video, too. If you don’t tell people what you want them to do, they won’t do it.
  7. Don’t get all fancy with the spices. At least, not in the beginning. For example, I’ve seen a number of missionary update videos that added background music. I generally feel this is distracting and detracts from the authentic feel you’re going for. Keep it simple!

Getting started with video

So, where do you start? Well, as I said above, the best advice I can give you is to keep it really simple and authentic.,

Don’t over-complicate this. You’ll be able to improve your approach and your techniques as you go.

There are literally hundreds of different video platforms you can consider using to share videos, but I’ve listed just a couple of my favorites below.

No matter what tool you choose, there’s no time like right now to get started. Your gospel partners will really appreciate getting to hear from you in a new and creative way, and this will help you to continue building stronger relationships with them.

Soli Deo Gloria


Life as a missionary is hard enough. Financial stress and lack of support make it harder. I can help. Schedule a free call to find out how you can build better relationships with your gospel partners and increase your support.